How Many Blogs Are Published Per Day? (2021 Update)

How Many Blog Posts Are Published Per Day (2022)

Number Of Blog Posts Published Daily & 25+ Blogging Statistics

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Consuming information online has become as natural as breathing, but have you ever stopped to wonder how many websites and blogs exist on the web? How many blog posts are published per week? What about per day?

Content doesn’t spring up on its own. Teams of people work to bring blog posts to online readers every day. Here, you can find out more about blogs and, specifically, how many blog posts are published per day. The statistics will surprise you.

Key Blogging Statistics

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How Many Blog Posts Are Published A Day?

Key Statistics


On WordPress alone, more than 70 million posts are published each month, with nearly 2.75 million blog posts published per day.

Still, this data varies. For instance, in December 2018, 136,185,666 blog posts were published. That means that every day of December, WordPress users published 4,393,086 new blog posts.

Although WordPress is one of the most widely used blogging platforms, other popular ones publish millions of blog posts each year.

Overall, WordPress blogs amount to 27% of all blog posts, so extrapolating from this data, the number of blog posts published each day exceeds 10 million. Compare these numbers to 2012, when users published only 2 million blog posts per day. The data shows a steady increase in blogging popularity since then.


How Often Should I Blog?

Key Statistics


Almost every blogger has asked themselves this question, and the answer seems to shift with time. While there is no clear-cut formula for blogging frequency, the current trend is posting less often.

While in 2014, 27% of bloggers would post 2-6 times a week, in 2021, 23% of bloggers only publish a few times a month.

Simultaneously, blog posts have gotten longer. In 2014, the average blog post length was 808 words. In 2021, this number had grown to 1151 words.

Nevertheless, posting often is still the key to blogging success. In particular, 68.8% of the bloggers who post most actively reported good results. Among bloggers who post once a month or less, only 12.9% reported increasing numbers of visitors.

But how do these numbers translate into money for your business?

Does Blogging Cost Money?

While you can blog for free on many platforms, bloggers who are serious about making money should avoid them. Money-making blogs should appear professional and bloggers much optimize them for the best user experience.

A blog that appears on one of the free hosting platforms practically screams amateur and turns away visitors who want expert content or professional advice. Furthermore, the free blogging platforms come with limited options, ads you can’t control, and other issues. Pouring time, energy, and research into an unprofessional, free-hosted blog is not worth it for people who want to take their blog to the next level.

Of course, some people just want a free place to post their content online, and that’s perfectly fine. However, you can’t expect to make money from a free blog.

Most likely, you will not be able to place ads on a free-hosted blog. Instead, the free hosting platforms will display ads of their own, which means they make money from the content you provide.

Nevertheless, paying for your blog doesn’t mean blogging is supposed to cost a lot of money. A budget of $100-$300 should cover you for the first year. This fee pays for high-quality hosting and one of the less expensive WordPress themes that come with free plugins.

A hosted blogging platform such as WordPress or Tumblr is an option for beginner bloggers, too, especially for those who consider blogging more of a hobby. WordPress has paid plans which will allow you to upgrade to a custom domain and a display free of random ads.

How Much Can You Earn From Blogging?

Lifehacker states that a blog post by a freelancer can generate income in the range of $10 and $100. You can earn a lot more, however, if you choose the right niche and do your research about monetizing your blog.

Some of the more accessible sources of income for bloggers include:



Only professionals who have earned a reputation in their chosen field can speak as experts, which takes time and patience. Promoting a product or service also involves offering a unique item or solution that does not yet exist in your niche.

Some Basics About Blogging

The word ‘blog’ derives from “weblog.” Blogs began as a way for people to get their thoughts and ideas online without an external mediator. The blogging industry has since evolved, encompassing a much higher number of professional, topic-driven blogs where several writers may collaborate and create business content.

You’ll find an overwhelming number of blogs online, large and small, personal and professional, specializing in any niche you can imagine.

As much as all those blogs vary, all successful bloggers have three things in common: patience, consistency, and originality. Of these elements, originality poses the greatest challenge, now that the web is so saturated with blogs on every possible topic. Nevertheless, people keep producing and consuming new content, so it has to be high-quality to attract readers.

Blogging is a long-haul venture, and virtually all successful bloggers have been around for several years, steadily producing new blog posts at regular intervals. Rarely do new blogs achieve instant success.

The first blogs appeared in 1994, at the dawn of the Internet era. At the end of 2011, there were 173 million blogs online. By 2018, that number had grown to 504 million (source: Statista).

These numbers show us that blogs are in high demand, and people still want to read them. Just as some people use blogs to share their expertise or opinions with the world, online users search for information and advice on every imaginable topic.

Some Basics About Blogging

Blogs are a component of your business’s online presence that have stuck around for years and will continue to do so. Blogging can do wonders to promote a business, and starting one is relatively easy and inexpensive, with a potentially high ROI.

It is unsurprising, therefore, that more and more entrepreneurs and businesses are starting blogs. Despite the overwhelming amount of blogs out there and the stiff competition, blogging remains a popular marketing tactic. It will likely remain so as long as some people have a passion for writing about certain topics and others want to read about them.

Blogging is one of the most versatile ways to promote a business and share your thoughts. A blog can offer anything from an online soapbox to a place to share expert advice or showcase your products and services. Many professional bloggers start and maintain more than one blog, each one focusing on a different niche.

Remember that blogging does not equal easy money. Only a few bloggers make a substantial income from blogging, never mind a full-time living.

Blogging remains a viable option for supplementing your income. Still, it may probably require more effort to get into blogging and grow your platform than to continue at a regular office job. The good news is that once a blog is up and running, with steadily increasing readership, its success becomes easier to maintain.

The number of blog posts published per day, month, and year is just the beginning of the story. These numbers point to online presence, showing how businesses create a dynamic method of sharing information. Many people make a profit in this industry, which indicates how well a blog can perform to further your business’s reach.

In years to come, data suggests that blogs will continue to multiply, expand, and evolve to keep up with the ever-changing marketing landscape.

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