60+ WordPress Market Share & CMS Statistics (2023) | Envisage

WordPress Market Share In 2022

Discover How Many Websites Use WordPress In The World

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WordPress Market Share (CMS Percentage)
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Number of WordPress Websites Globally
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When you browse the web, you’ll undoubtedly come across websites powered by WordPress, but how many websites use WordPress? Well, the current percentage of websites using WordPress is 37% of all websites and a whopping 60% of content management systems (CMS). Gathering statistics like these can be difficult, especially with a website-building resource as popular as WordPress.

The WordPress market share has grown exponentially, even in the past few years. It not only powers small websites like personal blogs, but also goes beyond the basics, supporting large corporations like Bloomberg, Sony Music, BBC America, and even Sweden’s official website. Because WordPress’s popularity continues to grow, it dominates more and more of the internet every year. That’s why those statistics you saw two years ago—or even in 2019—are probably all out of date. We have all the most recent statistics for WordPress market share in 2021.

Top 10 WordPress Usage Statistics

What Do You Want To Know?

Market Share

Current WordPress CMS Market Share In 2021

Key Statistics

WordPress is considered a giant among content management systems, and for good reason. Each year, it experiences 1 to 4% market share growth, which far exceeds smaller CMS sites like Wix and Squarespace that are also growing exponentially.


How Many Websites Use WordPress in 2021?

Over 455 million websites use WordPress as of 2021, and that number only continues to grow. Considering there are about 1.3 billion total websites across the internet, that’s an impressive number.

With 1.1 million new downloads every six months and over 2 million per year, WordPress is the most user-friendly and overall easiest way to build a new website. It offers over 54,000 plugins, 11,000 themes, and layouts to customize websites for small businesses, blogs, and eCommerce sites.

WordPress offers popular plugins like WooCommerce, which makes up 28% of all eCommerce sales. The platform makes it possible to create a website that works for your business or blog, which appeals to many people worldwide who want to share their ideas.

Thanks to its versatility, WordPress has become the most popular CMS host across the world. It’s available in 60 languages, making it usable for people on every continent. In fact, in 2014, WordPress’s non-English downloads outnumbered English downloads for the first time since its creation.

Market Share Growth

What Percentage of Websites Use WordPress in 2021?

WordPress powers 37% of all websites and 62% of CMS sites alone—but WordPress statistics go deeper than that, and a significant percentage of websites are using WordPress when it comes to the top million—and even the top 100—websites in 2021.

As the most popular content management site available, WordPress powers many of the most visited websites on the internet. At the same time, most WordPress websites do not operate under the latest version. Of 455 million sites, less than 8 million have upgraded to version 5.4.

The WordPress CMS is also SEO-friendly, which makes it ideal for businesses—or anyone who wants to rank higher in Google search results. That’s why it makes up 30.3% of the top 1,000 websites across the world.

Many businesses prefer to use specialized content management software, which shows how WordPress sets itself apart from other accessible content management systems hosts. WordPress works even for professionals, and there’s a reason it dominates over a third of the market share.

Market Share Growth

How Many Top Million Websites Use WordPress in 2021?

WordPress is responsible for 37% of the top million websites in 2021. That translates to 455,000 sites across the internet—an extraordinary number when you consider how many of those sites include businesses like eCommerce and social media sites.

Of top 100,000 websites, 32.56% were made with WordPress. That accounts for 32,561 of those websites. As the margin decreases to the top 10,000 sites, WordPress dominates 33.78%, or 3,378, of them.

How much of the Internet is WordPress, then? Whether you look at the WordPress market share overall or narrow it to the top 10,000, WordPress maintains a consistent one-third of the market, varying by only 1-2%

Market Share Growth

What Are the Top 5 Countries for WordPress Use in 2021?

Because WordPress is available in 60 languages, it can be used all over the world in many different countries. The top 5 countries for WordPress use in 2021 are:

  • United States
  • Iran
  • United Kingdom
  • Russia
  • Canada

The United States leads the list by far, with 9,266,877 websites powered by WordPress. That includes sites like booking.com and carfax.com. WordPress was created by an American developer, Matt Mullenweg, and an English developer, Mike Little, which meant that it was initially available in English.

Over the years, as more languages have become available, more countries have joined the United States in using WordPress for their websites. However, while you might expect the United Kingdom to come in second, Iran takes that spot with 345,878 WordPress sites.

The United Kingdom’s third-place spot isn’t far behind at 317,775 websites, followed by Russia with 310,441, and Canada with 210,885. Considering only 27 million websites powered by WordPress are actually live websites, these top five countries make up a large portion of not only the top 1 million sites but all active sites across the globe.

The United States alone makes up 34.29% of known live WordPress-powered websites. Meanwhile, Iran makes up 1.2% of those active sites. While WordPress may be used worldwide, it is still most widely used in the United States.

Market Share Growth

What Is WordPress Market Share Growth?

Key Statistics

WordPress market share growth has remained consistent for the past eight years, making it the most steadily growing CMS host available. WordPress is not only one of the most accessible and easy to use web hosts, but also one of the most reliable.

Because of its availability, it’s easy to think that WordPress is only used by small blogs and businesses, but it also powers popular websites for big names like Sony and Beyoncé. WordPress has an established presence in the market share, and people search for it on Google more than any other CMS hosting platform—a total of 2,940,000 times monthly.

Of these searches, WordPress has been downloaded over 7,000,000 times by people who want to create their own website—or multiple websites. WordPress also reaches more people than any other CMS or web host, with users creating over 70 million new posts each month. That comes down to over 2 million posts per day.

With such a rapidly growing market share, WordPress is in no danger of slowing down. Its platform is the most popular open-source CMS because it offers so many of the same features and customizability that specialized web programming does. Even its plugins, like WooCommerce, dominate the market share for their respective purposes.

Growth Comparison

Comparing WordPress Market Share Growth To Other CMS

Key Statistics

When you consider what percentage of websites are WordPress compared to other CMS and web hosts, it’s easy to see how far ahead WordPress really is. Even the second most popular CMS platform, Joomla, comes in with a market share of 5.2%. That’s six times lower than WordPress.

Keep in mind that these other popular CMS platforms like Joomla and Drupal have also lost market share over the past year, dropping 6.4% and 13.6%, respectively. Even while other web hosts and CMS platforms like Wix and Squarespace have seen 114% and 175% growth respectively, they only make up 1.8% and 2.6% of the market share.

Some of these CMS and web hosting platforms also have eCommerce plugins like WordPress, but they aren’t nearly as successful. WooCommerce outshines them all with 28.31% market share compared to Drupal Commerce, which ranks at number 40 for the most popular eCommerce platforms with a 0.14% market share.

WordPress has more options available, which makes it useful for various types of sites. While other open-source CMS like Joomla are geared toward certain types of websites, like online stores, WordPress is multipurpose. It offers 54,000+ plugins, whereas Joomla provides just over 7,000.

Drupal comes closer with 39,000 plugins or modules, but WordPress still offers the most options and more ways to use them.


WordPress WooCommerce Market Share

Key Statistics

As the most popular eCommerce plugin for the most popular content management system, WooCommerce makes up the largest portion of the market share at 4.9%. WooCommerce is used more often for smaller websites and businesses, which is why, when you look at the WordPress stats for its use among online shops specifically, that market share jumps to 26%.

Not only has the percent of sites using WooCommerce’s increased in the past year, but it’s also maintained its place above Shopify. There are over 2,231 WooCommerce plugins and extensions to maintain online sales, and because it’s a plugin and not a new website altogether, many people find it convenient for their eCommerce needs.


WooCommerce vs. Shopify (Market Share)

WooCommerce and Shopify market shares come in almost neck and neck when it comes to small businesses. Shopify stands at 21% market share, whereas WooCommerce takes 26%. Of the top 1 million websites, WooCommerce makes up 6.31% of the market share.

That doesn’t sound like much until you remember that it’s a plugin from an open-source CMS platform and not a specialized eCommerce website on its own. Shopify, on the other hand, is a website you build from the ground up, and it takes 2.84% of the market share from the top million websites.

However, if you look at the top 10,000 websites, Shopify pulls ahead of WooCommerce with 3.59% of the industry share to WooCommerce’s 2.75%. No other eCommerce sites or plugins compare to WooCommerce, making Shopify its biggest competitor.

However, WooCommerce and Shopify serve different purposes. As a plugin, WooCommerce is something you add to your existing website, which means it may not be the main focus of your website. Shopify, on the other hand, is its own entity, and you build your entire shop with Shopify alone.

The popularity of each one depends in part on which country you look at, too. For example, Shopify is far more popular in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada. However, in Iran, WooCommerce comes out on top.


WordPress vs. Joomla (Market Share)

While Joomla is WordPress’s closest competitor, it’s difficult to call it a competitor at all. WordPress market share stands at 33.72% of the top 1 million companies—Joomla sits far behind at 1.39%.

WordPress has also experienced steady growth as a content management system since 2011. Joomla, on the other hand, peaked in 2015 and has since been on the decline. Additionally, while WordPress maintains about a third of the industry share, whether you look at all websites on the internet or the top 10,000. Joomla decreases significantly from 5.7% across the internet to 0.45% in the top 10,000.

WordPress also has more active sites in the United States alone than Joomla has across the internet. With 27,021,750 total live websites, WordPress far outpaces Joomla, which has 829,035 active websites.

MS Scale

Why Is WordPress The Biggest CMS Platform?

WordPress offers more options than any other CMS platform, which is only part of what makes it the most popular. It’s user-friendly and gives you all the features you need to build a successful website. Even if you’re not a tech whiz, you can still build a new website without much trouble.

It’s also open-source, which means you can customize it to suit your business and your needs. That’s why it’s perfect for hobby blogs and businesses alike. It’s also the best around when it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), which is a massive part of what brings traffic to your website by determining your placement on Google and other search engines.

As an innovative CMS platform, WordPress makes it easy to update and provides access to everything you need for your website. It’s also easy to use with multiple people logging in and out, and it gives you plenty of options for how to run your website.

Lastly, when it comes to design, no other CMS platform gives you as many options as WordPress. With 54,000+ plugins and 7,400+ themes, you have plenty of room to make your site unique.

Above all, WordPress is flexible and versatile, which means it’s suited to many types of people and the websites they create. It became the most popular CMS platform by allowing users the options they need to build a successful website with the best tools possible.

WordPress Popularity Conclusion

Although there are endless options when it comes to building your website, there’s no doubt: WordPress is leagues above them all. Even its potential competitors like Joomla and Shopify, where eCommerce is concerned, don’t have a chance at overtaking its popularity.

WordPress’s market share continues to impress and comes with features that you can’t get anywhere else. It’s not hard to see why a third of the internet’s top websites run on this platform.

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