How Many Websites Are There? 55+ Website Statistics (2022)

How Many Websites Are There In 2022?

How Many Websites Are Active Globally Today?

Websites Online Today
0 B
Are Inactive Websites
0 %
Active Internet Users
0 B

There are about 1.74 billion websites on the internet, although only about 85% are inactive.

That’s amazing when you consider that the internet didn’t even exist 30 years ago. On August 6, 1991, Sir Tim Berners-Lee created the very first website. It was a website with information on the World Wide Web. It was very simple and just offered a summary of the project, the people involved, and some technical details.

It still exists – you can see it if you look up the CERN archives. After this first website, things progressed quickly. The next year, 1992, saw the number of websites increase by over 900% or ten new websites. After 1992, the number of websites increased exponentially. Amazon launched in 1995, Google joined the web in September of 1998, and YouTube and Reddit joined the party in 2005. Along the way, many websites disappeared, such as AOL and MySpace. Today, Google is the number one search engine and has become a verb in its own right. People often respond to questions by saying, “I don’t know. I’ll Google it.”

The Top Ten Website Statistics

What Do You Want To Know?

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The Future Of The Internet

Our digital lives will define more and more of our identity in the future. It’s even possible that our world will be a combination of reality and virtual reality, and it might be hard to tell which is which.

One thing is for sure: the internet is here to stay.

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